Friday, September 6, 2013

Children of the Revolution

Imagine, if you will, two scenarios.  In one scenario you have however many children you want (if that’s none, well, this may be a tough lesson to process) and that they are still newborns.  They are precious, small, chunky, beautiful, and healthy.  They are untainted by the world, embracing no insecurity, no pain, no suffering, and no broken hearts.  You want to keep them there forever.  You do whatever it takes.  You may homeschool, keep them from watching TV, keep them away from crazy relatives, and change your own language.  You will create this bubble to keep them safe, and innocent.  They are for all intents and purposes...perfect.  And your heart smokes with raging fire that will burn anything that attempts to rob your children of their perfection.  But, you know it’s coming...the day they get hurt.  You know that your love cannot keep them from doing what humans do, making poor decisions.  You know no matter how perfectly you raised them, they will end up screwing up.  They will end up insecure, hurt, and broken. Their hearts will be mangled, ugly, lost, and in need of immense repair.


In this same scenario your fire raging heart beckons you to do something drastic.  You know that if given the opportunity you would take all the pain, the ugliness, and the loss of innocence upon yourself so that your child’s heart never, ever becomes broken or destroyed.  You chose to sacrifice your life for their heart.

Now for the second scenario.  Everything about your children is the same as the previous situation, except one of your children is still a newborn, untainted.  This untainted child, however, is an infant prodigy.  This prodigy knows how your other children will turn out.  This infant also knows you would take their place if you could, so this infant offers themself instead.  After much deliberation and intense heartache you agree.

This is God.  He did this.  He, in the most wonderful mysterious act of love chose to be the parent, and the child who sacrificed themselves.  Imagine this and it will blow your mind.  He gave up His son!  For all of the other children!  A perfect God chose to become human flesh, so that your heart could be restored.  He is equally sacrificing parent, and sacrificing parent!  He is the ultimate sacrifice, because he never loses his perfection. His raging heart, smoking with love traded places with you so that your heart could be restored, healed, and made perfect. 

Suffering is guaranteed.  Every human child was considered in His choice.  Even Stalin, Hitler, Dahmer, Osama and Obama (for the hardcore haters) were considered.  He, like you a loving parent couldn’t let our hearts stay this way forever.  He took our place. 


Any parent can see, without a doubt it is.  A revolution is available.  He paid for it.  Receive it.  And find hope.  Find a drastically new mind.  Find God.  Find you.

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