Monday, February 24, 2014

Revolution of the Redeemed

What happened to the church? We’ve become so divided in society by political differences that we deem as Christian verses Non-Christian.  The bride Jesus calls spotless and lovely has once again become tainted.  Don’t get this twisted into me saying the Church is somehow beyond redemption, no far from it, we are already redeemed!  But somewhere along the way we have used that redemption as license to condemn, to contradict, and to preach a whole slew of messages that misrepresent the gospel.  I’m not against brothers calling out brothers, but when they aren’t even part of the family that’s when things get twisted.

What is appealing to those that don’t believe?  Where’s the message of hope?  The message of redemption?  The message of love?  I understand love is tricky because in our society we’ve come to view love as meaning “to each their own.”  Love was meant to be about kindness, truth, and patience… we in society only like the kindness part.  The church forgets that part the most ironically…is it any wonder we but heads with the secular world so much?

I get it.  Society has changed, the world has changed and so the church must change.  We fight battles and wars over such trivial things like we’re married to the world and not Jesus.  Because in marriage you fight over trivial things, oh forget it! Geez, I’m sorry I said anything.  Drop it already!   Yeah, kind of like that.  The thing is, although society has changed and the values of the world have changed, certain things must remain the same.  The church must be a place of love, truth, and life.  We must remain reflections of Jesus, not politicians waging wars over “marriage” or “gun ownership.”

Our job has and always will be to proclaim the good news.  To offer hope.  To offer ways out of sin, and to offer ways off the paths of destruction.  It’s time to stop bringing further destruction to the souls of those who disagree, and begin offering loving, lasting solutions to the real problems in the world.  It’s time for the church to be the salt that seasons the tasteless world and the light that sits on the hill guiding the world home.

1 comment:

  1. Good words. I find it very hard to separate my faith from my political view and I often get caught in these debates that really amount to nothing. But you're right, we have to be the salt of the world and provide the hope of the gospel.
