Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Great Story Always Has a Revolution

Every great adventure starts with a quote from the character to reel you into their heads, like a salesman who sees you walking into their car lot.  Hopefully, you don't feel pressured to give me money, cause well you're in the wrong place.  I'm here to offer you a free story. Back to the quotation idea.  Whether it be dialogue or an introduction to the thoughts of the character being introduced you find yourself instantly introduced to a character.  What this journey will not start with is a description of what precisely the blogs intentions are, for a great story must always leave one thinking, and chewing on what they just read in bewilderment as to why they had not read it sooner.  If I answer all the questions up front, the bewilderment is lost, and the joy of an adventure shared with you (the one person who finds him/herself so very bored or lost they stumble upon my late night ramblings/stories) is thrown away into the darkest recesses of the human soul.  Bit much?  Probably.  But still, it was fun right? Oh and I lied, (I will be telling you what the purpose of this blog is after this parenthesis) this will be a blog about the revolution of the heart, shared through true stories, and sometimes just good 'ol philosophizing...so if it's not your bag, cup of tea, coffee, diet caffeine free soda, or whatev, feel free to never ever come back because after all this is a place of welcoming so you can just get out! -

"I'm not much of a story teller, so who's going to listen to the ramblings of a man with no story to tell?" Timothy asked, frustrated that he couldn't find a single word to begin his story.

His professor, a gray bearded man with the stature of a bear, and the heart straight out of a Neil Young song wasn't going to let this be the end of the discussion.  "I've known you a long time son, and I know the tragedies you've experienced," he said with his eyes becoming heavy with grief.  "You're not the same man you once were, are you?"

"No sir," Timothy said almost in a whisper.

"You've experience great tragedy, and great revolution," his professor said with his demeanor starting to turn to exuberance.  "You've experienced a revolution of your heart," he said his voice getting louder with passion.  "This is your story!"

Timothy wasn't much of a story teller.  Neither am I.  But perhaps the revolution isn't over.  

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