Friday, May 2, 2014

Revolution of Love

Unconditional love does not exist.   You may think to yourself but a mother’s love is unconditional.  She sees her child and instantly wants to nurture and take care of the child.  I guarantee you this is not true.  Some women actually despise their children and sink into a deep depression once the child is born, it’s called postpartum blues and it is a real condition.  When we’re honest with ourselves and everyone around us about the lack of unconditional love in existence then the discussions we have will change.

Jesus never once said to anyone “don’t worry, God loves you no matter what.”  This is important to recognize because we can have honest discussions about what it takes to receive God’s love.  Because there is at least one very real condition to receiving his love.  It’s called belief.  Before you start yelling at me “but what about Grace?!” you must recognize the power of belief.  God allows belief to change everything and depending on where you lie in the equation this is either extremely amazing, or extremely sad, but both cannot argue its extremely profound implications.

This should rattle us to the core!  We should be encouraged as believers that God totally rocked our world when he allows our eternity to be based on belief.  We should also be completely broken in our inner most being about the meaning this has for those that don’t believe.  The reason unconditional love doesn’t exist is because justice couldn’t be served and grace would be a joke with no conditions.

Conditional love is beautiful.

Jesus didn’t come to get rid of conditions, but to simplify them.  The conditions were pages, and pages and pages long.  We could never add up!  Jesus made it simple.  Believe in me.  The revolution came through Jesus….and love, well love was made accessible to all and that my friends absolutely astonishes me.

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